
Click on the Rotation button to view or configure the employee rotating calendar. The grid shows the rotation for the indicated Number of Weeks, as entered in the General screen.

Rotating Schedule Template

If the employee was assigned to a Rotating Schedule Template, all the schedules entered through the template are displayed. Additional schedules can be added, existing schedules can be modified and/or schedules can be deleted from this screen. However, any modifications to the rotation will cause the employee to be removed from the listing of assigned employees for this template, and any changes to the template will not be updated in this employee record.


For more information see Configuration > Scheduling > Rotating Schedule Templates.

Viewing the Rotating Schedule Grid

The rotating schedule grid displays icons for each day of the rotation that is set up. If there are no icons displayed on certain days, those days are not scheduled during Selection Style passes where Rotating Schedules are enabled. More About Steps for Creating a Selection Style to Enable Rotating Schedules

More than one activity can be scheduled in the same day.

Position the cursor over the icons to view the type of rotating schedule set up. The following icons may be visible:


Core Schedule

Indicates a schedule with a specified activity code/profile combination on a specified day. In the example above, the employee will be scheduled alternate weekends.

This type of schedule is populated regardless of staffing needs.

Preferred Schedule

Indicates the employee prefers to work on these selected days of the rotation.

In the example above, the employee prefers to work on Wednesdays and Thursdays of the first week and Mondays and Tuesdays of the second week. When the scheduling process is run, on the need-based passes that validate rotating schedules, only employees with preferred schedules/preferred override schedules on certain days will be populated.

The system uses the preference options set up on the employee's Schedule Preferences screen to determine the types of schedules the employee prefers to work, such as day schedules or 8-hour shifts.

Preferred Override Schedule

Indicates the employee prefers to work on the designated day of the rotation, but with alternate preference options. These are populated at the same time as the Preferred Schedules (described above), but using a different set of preferences.

In the example above, on the second Friday of each 2-week rotation, the employee would like to be scheduled, but with different preferences than are set up on the employee's schedule preferences screen. On these days, the employee would only like to be scheduled for 4-hour shifts.

Click on the Add button to open a screen to set up the preference options for this day only. The system uses the preferences set up for this specific day as an override to the preferences set up on the Schedule Preferences screen.

Pay Code

Core Pay Code

Indicates a core schedule with a specific pay code/profile combination on the designated day.

Selecting Days to Add a Rotation

Select the cells to be assigned the same activity code and profile combination (using one of the methods described below), and then click on the Add Activity button.

Action Buttons:

To add a new Activity, Preferred Shift or Pay Code assignment to a cell, highlight the bar at the top of the cell and click on one of the following Action buttons:

Add Activity

Opens a screen to set a core schedule for the highlighted day of the week in the rotation

Set Preferred

Sets the highlighted day to populate the employees' preferred schedules. These preferences are set up for the employee in the Schedule Preferences screen in the employee record.

Click on the Add button to select specific preferences, and create a Preference Override, which supersedes the employees' preference list for the indicated days.

Add Pay Code

Opens a screen to add a Pay Code (rather than an activity code) to the rotating schedule.

Clear Selected Days

Clears the activity, preferred shift, or pay code set up on the highlighted days.

The following additional section options are available in the left pane:


Creating an Employee Rotating Schedule

Steps for Creating a Selection Style to Enable Rotating Schedules